ITS22 Different relationships between our cities about the sea
03 déc. 2022This workshop to present eco-friendly gestures and politics to protect the martime seaside et and the sea. It’s the starter for outlines thoughts, debates, comparison, discover number of actions and best practices that each city performs to reduce our impact and help protect the local environment and the sea. The ideas are clearly definite in different topics. The name of the workshop is Seabeds in danger! It was created with different steps for each group:
STEP 1: Carry out an internet research about the damages caused by human actions to marine environment
STEP 2: Look for statistical data supporting your ideas
STEP 3: Using Canva, produce a multimedia product: a presentation (max 5 slides) or a A/4 poster - your output should include text and images
STEP 4: Think of a catchy slogan to raise awareness on the respect of marine environment
STEP 5: Check spelling, punctuation and grammar correctness
STEP 6: Post your product on the Padlet - the link will be given by vour teacher
STEP 7: Vote for the best product -each group can't vote for his own work
Evaluating criteria are: completeness, originality and relevance
Students active in communication have to share firstly their ideas in pairs and secondly to create PowerPoint and conferences. Many of them used the different information about sustainable development (Buildings, water, wastes, … in the public and private places)