Students are told that they are going to work on gender, sport and stereotypes. Next, they watch three videos:

-Play like a Girl. Women in Football. The video rephrases the sentence “play like a girl” and female football players rebuild the construct of this sentence. 
-Girls play Rugby. Gender Stereotypes in sports. This video criticizes how women are not allowed to play rugby, and if they do they are stigmatized. 
-Gender equality in sports. The video shows several examples of women fighting for equality between genders. 


After watching the videos, students are separated into groups by nationality. Each group is also divided into four different task-groups; two of them are assigned to create the first page of a magazine for boys and one for girls. The other two groups are asked to write and perform an interview to sports personalities about gender equality in sports.

Each group presents their product and the best interview and front page of each nationality is selected to the final votation carried out by all the teachers. 


The students realized how men and women are differently treated by media. They also wondered why some sports are mainly targeted to men or women depending on its nature. At last, students contemplate the possibility that in a near future the rights of women in sports will be equal to the men ones. 

FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
FR23 CC Sport Women
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