The students play the game Serious games sur la durabilité from the website:

The game shows the specialists involved in the design, planning and execution of a stadium, and what elements they must take into account. 

While they are playing the game they must pick up 5 to 7 keywords to build a stadium for the Olympics of tomorrow. 

They must be able to explain why the chosen word is important, and for each keyword they have to choose an example. 

Once the game finishes, among tier keywords and examples they have to choose 7 to 10 for the whole group. They give their speech and write down these keywords on the board, and explain why these keywords are important. The speech lasts about 3 to 5 minutes. 


The students selected criteria in order to build new stadiums and infrastructures for the Olympics. These criteria answered to sustainable development, both regarding the citizenship’s opinion and environment. They elaborated arguments to defend these criteria, and gave examples of previous actions, such as the transformation and building of old Olympic stadiums. 

FR23 DC Olympics of tomorrow ICT
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