The 100 students were divided into three different tasks: Sustainable Main Goals, Sustainable School and Sustainable Dance. In Sustainable Main Goals the students were put in small groups of different countries and told to choose two topics (water/energy/climate/life below water – all different goals) and create a poster/game during 30 minutes on the computer. It was a competition and the best group could win. A presentation took place later by one of the students in each group. 


There are 17 universal Sustainable main goals (from 2015)  and the students got more conscious about how  our ecosystem works and how important it is. They also realised how we can protect the planet now, tomorrow and in the future. We are doing progress but there is much more to do. 

FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
FR23 Sustainable Main Goals
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