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Erasmus+ Lycée Jean Bart Dunkerque


IT22 Visit to Reggio Calabria Heritage, Erasmus+, Diffusion, Lycee Jean Bart

IT22 Visit to Reggio Calabria

The students discover Reggio Calabria, the largest city in Calabria. Reggio Calabria is located in the exact center...

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 The National Archeological Museum Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart, Erasmus+, Diffusion

IT22 The National Archeological Museum

The National Archeological Museum of Reggio Calabria is a museum in Reggio Calabria (southern Italy). From an archaeological...

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 Visit to Pizzo Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart, Erasmus+, Diffusion

IT22 Visit to Pizzo

Pizzo is a seaport and comune in the province of Vibo Valentia (Calabria, southern Italy), situated on a steep...

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 The city trip in Paola Heritage, Erasmus+, Diffusion, Lycee Jean Bart

IT22 The city trip in Paola

The students were divided into three groups of different nationalities. In each group, two Italian students acted...

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 Visit to Cosenza Heritage, Erasmus+, Diffusion, Lycee Jean Bart

IT22 Visit to Cosenza

The students followed a guided tour of Cosenza, a city in Calabria, and it is the capital of the Province of Cosenza....

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 Ice Breaker: “Games and activities” Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart, Erasmus+, Diffusion

IT22 Ice Breaker: “Games and activities”

First, the students warmed up with a slow-paced run and then trained on an obstacle course. Afterwards, two sports...

16 Novembre 2022

IT22 Mobilité en Italie du sud avec le projet HERITAGE Erasmus+, Diffusion, Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart

IT22 Mobilité en Italie du sud avec le projet HERITAGE

Les élèves du lycée Jean Bart de Dunkerque a eu la chance de participer à une mobilité à Paola en Italie du Sud...

13 Novembre 2022

Newsletter n°1 HERITAGE Erasmus+, Diffusion, Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart

Newsletter n°1 HERITAGE

Les thèmes d'étude Erasmus+ sont multiples tant les sujets de réflexion se multiplient pour nos jeunes européens....

12 Novembre 2022

Newsletter HERITAGE France, Lycee Jean Bart, Erasmus+, Heritage

Newsletter HERITAGE

27 Juillet 2022

Artistic representations of Venus through time France, Erasmus+, Heritage, Lycee Jean Bart

Artistic representations of Venus through time

The students read an excerpt from an article by Emmanuelle Valette entitled "Masculine-feminine" which explained...

27 Juillet 2022

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